Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Critical Thinking for Limitless Knowledge

I received an email message from the Critical Thinking Company titled Some Freebies. Of course, I instantly clicked on the link they provided. That led me to a page on their website that instructs the reader how to access software demos and hundreds of printable activity pages from this educational company's book and workbook lines.

It's free and easy to do! A great way to add enrichment materials to your home school collection or to find quality activities for children this summer. They provide the instructions for finding and printing pages right on the page under the word Printables at

But don't stop there! Check out their website! To inspire your day, read the history of this innovative company. The Critical Thinking Company, a half-century old family owned business produces and distributes educational materials that support their philosophy, as stated by company president, Michael Baker, "If we teach children everything we know, their knowledge is limited to ours. If we teach children to think, their knowledge is limitless."

Their products are designed to empower the mind and teach problem solving skills to meet life's challenges. Also, free are dozens of articles on developing critical thinking in children at all age levels at

If you are shopping for challenging and entertaining materials their site is easy to navigate, with the option bars to shop by grade, product, series at the top of the product page at

Copyright 2009 Creekside Education & Susie Williams

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